1990 was also the year I was born, and in a tenuous linkage i've decided to chuck up an album every week from 1990, which I may or may not have come out of the womb listening to. Awesome.

Buy It
1. Turnover |
2. Repeater |
3. Brendan No 1 |
4. Merchandise |
5. Blueprint |
6. Sieve Fisted Find |
7. Greed |
8. Two Beats Off |
9. Styrofoam |
10. Reprovisional |
11. Shut The Door |
12. Song #1
13. Joe # 1
14. Break-in
Repeater is a suprisingly listenable punk rock record, and an incredibly solid one. The angry guitar squealing doesn't let up, and if it does, it's done to make way for some fancy bass fretwork. Despite being a punk album, Repeater has some serious indie rock sensibilities. Take opener Turnover, for example. Before ex-Minor Threat vocalist Ian MacKaye's angry taunts are introduced, you could be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a classic indie rock record. Shit, the bass part could even belong to a Joy Division song.
It is a punk album though, and even with 14 songs rattles along in just over 40 minutes. This urgency lends itself perfectly to the music and ensures you don't go sticking on another album before it's done. It isn't an effort, though, as previously mentioned it's an easy album to listen to. As one screaming riff ends, another palm-muted harbringer of chaos has begun.
It is, also, a hoot. While it does have enough tuneful moments to appeal to a large audience, sometimes it can be extremely fun to listen to someone else go absolutely buck daft, and Repeater has those moments in spades.
Well worth a listen.
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