1. Blackout City
2. Jetpack Blues
3.Dawn Metropolis
4. Danger Mountain
5. Overarrow
6. Tempest, Teamwork, Triumph (At Sea)
7. Mermaid
Anamanaguchi are a four piece NYC band from the "chiptune" scene. Whilst this may immediately bring Crystal Castles into your head, this album is different from a lot of other albums in the same genre.
First of all, that cover. God it's great. Even before listening to the music I feel like im playing the SNES. It also fits the tunes perfectly.
I mentioned this album being different from similiar styled bands. Whilst a band like Crystal Castles are pulling no punches in aiming for the scenester crowd, Amanaguchi on The Dawn Metropolis, don't care. Their tunes are here for you to listen to, regardless of your scepticism or raised eyebrows. If you're in a bad mood, stick on Unknown Pleasures. Come back when you're ready to smile again.
This album is a massive heap of fun, and even if you didn't play Super Mario all stars or Donkey Kong world as a nipper, it'll make you think you did. If you were a nerd as a child, this is for you. It will fill you with memories of nintendos, rainbows and innocence.
A hacked nintendo system is combined wonderfully with fuzzy power chords and a band with an ear for a tune. Whilst you'd be hard pressed to find something like this in the charts, many of these melodies would suit some of todays modern pop artists, just maybe not as frantic as on display here.
The first two tracks snap, crackle and pop along happily, and are a good idea of what this band's all about. The title track shows off that ear for a tune I was talking about, and on Danger Mountain, the electronics go absolutely alloy. The same theme continues along until album closer Mermaid, which despite not being a chiptune Flight of The Conchords cover builds up quickly and confidently, culminating in a mess of joyful electro nonsense.
This album is free leech for a bit on Waffles, and has helped give this band some deserved exposure. I also advise checking out the official website, which is very cool. At 7 tracks in 26 minutes, its pretty much exactly the length you'd want an album of this sort of music to be. The pace is maintained, and this is great, great fun throughout.
A little nostalgia goes a long way.
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